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First things first!

Jodi Mottashed

On April 13th, Mason, Blake and I rushed downtown to file our Articles of Incorporation at the Secretary of State office after school (and a quick stop at Starbucks which turned out to be a very bad idea). The navigation in my car took us, literally, around the entire city of Sacramento, but we made it at 4:59 pm. We found a parking spot right out front, ran inside and made it upstairs just before the office was closing. The gentleman behind the counter graciously accepted our paperwork and just like that, we took the first step to becoming a Corporation! Within the next few day we should hear back on our application and then go on to apply for non-profit status. This is the beginning of an incredible adventure!! #aspirekidssac #dreambig #makingdreamsaccessible #kidscandoamazingthings #letthemhaveavoice



AspireKids is a 501c3 tax-exempt non-profit organization (FEIN 82-5352437). A copy of our IRS Letter of Determination is available upon request. Donations to this non-profit are considered to be a charitable donation under IRS determination. If you have questions, please check with your tax consultant.© 2018 by AspireKids

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